What clients are saying…

I came seeking help from Cheryl because I was struggling with managing aspects of my professional and personal life. Cheryl really helped me distill my thoughts and help me process what I felt was unmanageable in my life to arrive at a place of acceptance, movement, and real tangible change!

Working with Cheryl, I was led with questions to help me discover my own answers around what began as surface frustrations with time management, allocation of resources at my business, difficulties in relationships; with employees, friends, and family, and an inability to make and stick to decisions.

What began as expressions of frustration led to discussions that dove into the "whys" of this and action to help address it. I was able to arrive at reasons that were behind these feelings and perceptions I had about myself and others.

After every session, she would follow up with an email summary of our time that I appreciated very much. Specifically when I needed to draft a letter to a family member to repair the relationship, Cheryl was compassionate and nonjudgmental in helping me draft this letter that now has led to a rekindling of the relationship. She was always patient and understanding. I felt like I had the time I needed to speak in what felt like an unorganized manner for myself, but somehow, through her listening, I was able to verbally, organically, process and get to some really good places and understand my actions and thinking.

I always left our sessions with exactly what I did need to say or hear that day.

Over time, I was able to notice myself reacting differently in situations that I would have made unhealthy or rash decisions around in the past. By repeatedly talking through my dreams and aspirations, I began to see them come to fruition!

Our sessions were always fruitful and I would find myself feeling grounded and inspired afterwards. Cheryl exhibited a genuine interest in my life and thought process. I was able to develop very quickly a deep trust and level of vulnerability that I think is very special and rare. 

Working with Cheryl I have been able to arrive at a place that I am excited about leaning into the next chapter of life. I no longer feel stuck or stagnant and feel confident in facing and moving forward in life. I have more confidence in my leadership abilities as an employer and small business owner, I have been able to make a plan and move forward with owning a home and planning with excitement a future with a family.

I am forever grateful for our time together and the immense value that I received from our time together!

Curtis Y., Owner, Yu Tang Studio, Seattle, WA

When I was first introduced to coaching with Cheryl via a friend, I had some mental resistance to it. Perhaps Cheryl sensed that, because she reached out in a kind and supportive way, and when I finally got started on my journey I started to understand more of what coaching is about.

I was surprised at how she guided me to dig deeper through surface issues and really see the deeper limiting beliefs and themes underneath that were holding me back. It felt like uncovering layer after layer, and she held space beautifully for that process to happen, helped me reframe them and helped with actionable steps. I loved that her toolkit included so many different modalities, working across the conscious, subconscious and somatic planes.

Cheryl has an ease and warmth about her that makes it easy to open up and I’ve really valued my time with her!

Zarmina F., Karachi, Pakistan

Cheryl is a joy and a light to work with. Our sessions were timely, insightful, and clarifying. Perfect for my Human Design as a Manifesting Generator (which I didn't know about myself before!)

I feel drawn to multiple curiosities and callings in life, and it can be a challenge deciding where to apply my focus while remaining true to myself. She helped guide me to tap into my own intuitive feelings and figure out where to steer the ship each day.

I came away from our sessions feeling empowered and seen. With her supportive style, I was able to gain confidence and clarity in the things that I do.

Paul M., Lynwood, WA

I deeply value the time I have spent with Cheryl and my progress, thanks to her help. Without her support, I wouldn't be this far along in my goals or have this much courage to push forward. Looking back, I don't know why I struggled on trying to work my struggles out on my own for so long. However, after just a couple of sessions with Cheryl, things became more evident, and I value her support more than I can explain. 

Having someone in the background with me on my journey makes my path forward feel less lonely and helps me move from a negative to a positive, problem-solving type state of mind.

So, if you need help – ask a professional. And if you want a professional who is insightful, supportive, non-judgmental, and a joy to talk to, then speak to Cheryl!

Cayetana S., Seattle, WA

Cheryl has an authentic warm, unassuming, non-judgmental nature and love about her. She openly and unapologetically shares her own life experiences, lessons, and journey which I believe has evolved her into a healer that is perceptive, passionate, caring, and gentle.

I recommend her as someone you can confide in as she provides a safe place to share, learn, grow, and simply be YOU as she guides you in your own journey. I can now make better sense of the world and my personal journey!

Working with Cheryl, her insights have helped guide me to understand my strengths, interests, and joy. Cheryl is a natural healer with a common sense, practical approach as she coaches and guides one in channeling their unique personal energy towards manifesting a future of one’s dreams.

Chris K., Bellevue, WA

Cheryl has been a rock for me as a coach and facilitator of psycho-emotional and spiritual processesor. Her presence is both grounding and light, making me feel safe and held as I work though the discomforts of being human. I have experienced profound breakthroughs with her guidance and recommend her to anyone with the chance to work with her. Thank you, Cheryl!

Imani N., Yucatan, Mexico

When I started working with Cheryl, I wasn't in the best mindset or in the best place in my life. Through my experience with coaching with her, I’ve now been able to consistently reach for my better or best self. I know I am not there yet, but I can now see much clearer path than I did before.

Cheryl’s personal touch makes me feel like I am making progress and staying focused on the aspects of life that really and truly matter. I would recommend that anyone trying to be their best self to work with Cheryl or a coach.

Sean P., Cleveland, OH

Working with Cheryl to address challenges I was facing in moving forward in my life and career brought me clarity and encouragement to help me believe in my abilities and my strengths. With her guidance, I have learned to trust my gut and to be in the present moment. She helped me to ease my anxieties that come along with making big changes. Her supportive style makes me feel more confident when I make decisions for myself, such as making the switch to roles at work that better align with my true passions, and finally make the decision to raise a family: first starting with a puppy.

Cheryl’s unique insights and compassion lends to her overall excellence as a life coach. She’s great at being open and understanding where I was coming from; I never felt judged. I would highly recommend her for anyone looking to connect with a well-rounded coach!

Chantal P., Austin, TX

Thank you for facilitating provocative discussions with my daughter! I admire your energy and ability to engage my 14-year old. My daughter (and many other teens) are experiencing a lack of motivation these days, but after today's session, her eyes were bright and shiny. You were able to get her thoughts and emotions going in a way that motivated her to speak up and re-tell the experience to me. So I just wanted to say thank you. I appreciate seeing my child energized today.

Nancy C., Bellevue, WA

Cheryl really helped my son think strategically about his school work - from projects to class assignments - while also helping him think broadly about how he learns and what works best for his learning style. She challenged him in ways that empowered him and I saw him really come to life with her guided prompts to support his conclusions. I’m so thankful for her. Thank you, Cheryl!

Janine T., Bellevue, WA

Before coaching, I knew little about myself or felt like I didn't have much self-awareness and insight into who I was. Her coaching process has allowed me to dig deeper into my heart, excavate my truest identity and voice, and feel a tremendous sense of support along the way.

There's always a safe space for me to work through all my various thoughts, emotions, and insights during our time together, which I appreciate very much. I am very grateful to have Cheryl as my coach.

I trust that this coaching process and my consistent effort in showing up for myself has and will lead to my transformation. Thank you, Cheryl!

Mengjia L., Issaquah, WA

Before I started working with Cheryl, I was very confused. As a 17-year old Junior at Franklin High School, I was having a hard time finding out where I was in life and where I wanted to be. Cheryl didn't tell me what to do or what I should want; instead, she listened to me, asked me very specific questions, and made me realize my own true thoughts without me even knowing. Coaching with her has really helped me with my short and long term goals and helped me set up plans and routines to help me reach my personal and career goals.

For example, I had no clue where to even start looking for colleges I would like to attend, or even if I wanted to go to college. Cheryl helped me to narrow down my interests, create a list of colleges, and also plan tours for me to visit the colleges. I have a list of four colleges i'm interested in and I’m going to be visiting all four!

Cheryl has been there to be gently pushing me and supporting me to achieve some of my goals; one of the most non-judgmental and caring and the most patient person I know. Working with Cheryl has guided me to be a better person and strive for what I truly want.

Riley M., Seattle, WA

I sought out coaching with Cheryl to address the challenges I am facing with grief through my unexplained infertility. In our sessions, Cheryl helped me to get out of my head and into my gut instinct when trying to come to a major decision regarding what our next steps were to be in building our family. She walked me through a visualization meditation that allowed me to let go of some of the grief I've been holding on to.

Releasing it through this exercise was crucial for me to see who I truly am and step into that person. After talking through it with Cheryl, I was able to gain clarity on the best next steps for our family - not because she offered advice (she never did), but rather because Cheryl was so good at listening to what I was really saying, helped me find common themes within myself, and supported me as I pulled myself out of the weeds to see my truths. I am so grateful for my sessions with Cheryl and know I have a forever coach in her!

Jenni S., Carthage, NC

Cheryl is a gift - she’s cut out for this role. With her supportive style, I was able to gain confidence in what is true, accept it, and enjoy the freedom with clarifying boundaries.

All of this allowed me to make moves to embrace all that truly brings me joy in living out my purpose. She’s great at understanding the importance of identifying my relationship to my own thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. I would highly recommend her for anyone looking to walk in a greater confidence of who they are already!

Bethany H., Kirkland, WA

Cheryl has a spirit of excellence that she brings to all her coaching sessions. Her creative metaphors are powerful tools that helped me better understand where I was, where I am now, and where I want to go. After just one session with Cheryl, I was able to take the much desired steps (that I didn’t even know were available to me) and implement positive change in my life.

If you are looking to look differently at things, I highly recommend working with Cheryl - her insights are strong. She genuinely bridged the gap between my beliefs of personal and professional success in my life!

Sierra G., Sebastopol, CA

Thank you so much for your time with my daughter; she gets a lot out of your conversations with her. “Cheryl is way better than my counselor,” my daughter said. “Her analogies are so good! She [once] said if you put good in a cup, even if someone knocks it over, only good will come out; if you put bad in the cup, only bad will come out. It’s so easy to understand!” She continued with joy and amazement as she talked to me about her discussions with Cheryl. 

I had tears of joy when I heard that. My daughter tends to focus so much on negativity in everything, she can’t see good and beauty around her. Like you told her, she armed herself with thorns, yet she doesn’t understand why people don’t stay close to her. “Didn’t mama told you some of those things?” My other daughter asked. “But mama was not as clear; besides, who listens to their mother?” she replied. 

I am so glad she found someone she can trust, have wisdom, knows our culture, and knows that her asian parents DO love her very much (maybe we just don’t know how to handle the thorns she is armed with!), and someone who she feels safe to talk to. Cheryl is the coach who E can turn to when she doesn’t feel comfortable talking with me. I really appreciate your care about Emma’s emotional well being.

Lina T., Bellevue, WA

Cheryl has an amazing coaching presence that both invites reflection and challenges personal limitations. I found her to be both very intuitive and profoundly connected to the energy of our session. I felt heard and validated - which in turn opened a whole new perspective to the situation I brought in. Thank you, Cheryl, for being who you are and bringing your gifts to this work!   

Janet W., Alberta, Canada

I love being coached by Cheryl. She is warm and welcoming, putting me at ease during our sessions. I worked with her because I was struggling to get back into my yoga routine after surgery. No matter what I tried on my own, it didn’t work.

Cheryl’s deep listening and understanding of where I was allowed me to face my fears. She helped me realize I was telling myself a story that I had to do what I did prior to surgery. We worked on eliminating fear of judgment: “I’m not as good”.

With her guidance, I opened up to what was possible, tried new forms of yoga, did yoga at different times during the day. Now I have a new routine that fosters the mind-body connection and I allow myself grace to be where I’m at. Learning how to allow myself grace was challenging for me. With Cheryl’s support, I show up more positive and open to possibility!

Jaci S., Santa Rosa, CA

Looking back on my first quarter in university and life in general, it was definitely tough. But Cheryl has helped me prepare my mental state for this next one starting soon. I will be honest, it has been difficult finding the motivation to continue with this career when the world is falling apart…but there is no stopping now with her supporting me to find my own motivation!

I am hopeful, and as Cheryl paraphrased to me once, "The more you surrender to the universe, the more it will deliver your greatest gifts and desires in due time.” Now, I have it printed out on my desk to remind myself! Thank you, Cheryl, for being an impactful part of my life. You helped lead me to new doors and opportunities.

Elma S., Renton, WA

Wow. I’ve done therapy before, but never felt such a deep dive in such a short amount of time as this felt…

I feel that I can now approach scary situations or feelings of unworthiness with much more calmness, rather than feeling overwhelmed or panicky.

I don’t need to devalue myself any longer; I can just accept myself. I can now recognize and accept those scary feelings as just thoughts…”

Amber H., Atlanta, GA

I had built a relationship based on misunderstanding between that of myself and my emotions, particularly when it came to being triggered by someone in my life. Unconsciously, I had been bottling up, dismissing, and villainizing my emotions all along.

However, after my first session with Cheryl, I was able to walk away with a sense of true understanding of my emotions, the role they play for me, and thus, truly understand myself. I’m not perfect, but I’m now able to process situations that once left me feeling paralyzed with a greater sense of reflection and peace.

Lauren K., Cambridge, M

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