Hi there, I’m Cheryl.

Coach. Educator. Facilitator. An alchemist of words and ideas.

I’ve worn many hats in my life, but the one most resonating can be found in my Chinese name above: Peony Joy.

I love to hold space for human connection - to be that platform for the heart, mind, soul.

It hasn’t been an easy journey to where I am now.

It began with a childhood filled with shame, a young child often punished for being who she was.

And into my twenties and thirties, grief and shock-filled heartbreaks, multiple deaths of loved ones, a global pandemic, and my world seismically shifting into a whole new stratosphere…

Many a times were illusions and identities shattered, knees fallen on the floor, my body heaving in tears.

But in the midst of all this, the universe beckoned me to an awakening and reckoning - and I answered.

Crossing the threshold meant breaking and expanding like I’ve never done before, holding a magnifying glass to my greatest fears and lies.

Over and over, I choose the road less traveled for myself, taking steps to heal long-standing wounds, letting go of complete control, and trusting Source.

Turns out I was meant to step into my own name: a blooming peony flower 芍 embodying joy and harmony 怡.

Today and every day, I continually return to my true identity in this Universe:

I am enough

I am whole

I am unconditionally loved

just as I am.

Nowadays, I have the privilege of working with humans of all ages who wish to…

…play big instead of small, shine instead of shrink…

…who desire to step into courage to write and re-write their own story and own it…

…who are ready to remove the mud from their lotus and see how life happens for them, not to them.

If this is you, try out a complimentary session with me - it’s my way of giving back to the world.

See what new insights, clarity, or soul-excavating you will gain…and see where your journey can take you.

Advanced Certified Coach, Lumia Coaching

Certified Practitioner, Rapid Rewire Method: Level I

Associate Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation*

B.A., Communication, Seattle University

M.A., Teaching, Education, Seattle University

*Expected Fall 2024