Are you here because you want to discover what’s holding you back and find a path to move forward?

Are you looking to be unstuck, to gain permanent transformation instead of a band-aid fix?

If you find yourself seeking better for yourself in career, school, relationships, or personal development…

I’m here to help.

“It takes courage to endure the sharp pains of self discovery rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives.”

Unlike traditional therapy, coaching is more relaxed, present-accepting, and more importantly, forward-focused.

If you have tried psychotherapy or counseling with limited or short-term results, or you find yourself consistently getting stuck yet again, repeating the same cycles…then coaching may be the answer.

In supportive, judgement-free sessions, I can help you…

  • Unravel your stuck-ness using powerful psycho-emotional and spiritual processes that access and transform blocks or emotional charges at their root

  • Get clarity on your goals, accept your realities, and consider your best options

  • Plan a path forward to where you want to go

  • Find the courage within yourself to experiment with new ways of being

  • Rediscover your own sense of wonder and excitement about future possibilities

  • Shift or reframe perspectives and reveal blind spots

  • Organize and sort the chaos in your head and heart

  • Be a thinking partner by holding a mirror to yourself

  • Bring oxygen to areas of restriction or difficulty

Where can I help?

  • You may be thinking…

    • I wish I was more in control of my life.

    • The words never, always, should, and/or must often dominate my thinking.

    • I feel directionless and worry that life will pass me by.

    • I get overwhelmed by extremes in emotion.

    • The way I feel about my outer self - body, image, appearance - is highly influenced by what mood I’m in.

    • I sometimes resent others who have a better life than me.

    • I give most people a curated version of my life, because deep down I don’t think it’s that great.

    • I’d like to start a new venture, chapter, or do something different in my life, but I keep putting it off.

  • These thoughts cross your mind…

    • I care more about everyone else than I do about myself.

    • I feel stuck in an unhappy dynamic with this person, and can't see a way to better or solve it.

    • I struggle relationally, and suspect there is a pattern to the problems that keep cropping up.

    • I've so been badly hurt in the past that I've shut myself out of certain places emotionally.

    • I'd settle for any kind of relationship, rather than be single or in the dating game.

    • I feel desperate to meet someone, so I'm not the last childless person in my group of friends.

    • I am unable to make new friends, and don't feel connected to my established friend groups.

    • I don't know how to "move on."

    • I want certain things when it comes to friendships / partners / family, but don't feel like I have any control over it.

  • What resonates is…

    • What lies ahead scares or confuses me a bit, and I need guidance and assurance as I make my way there.

    • I get anxious or agonize over what decisions to make.

    • I have a lot of ideas of what I want from my career / school life, but don’t know how to make them happen.

    • I know I can be the best at something, but not sure I’m doing the right thing to fulfill my potential.

    • My work bores me, but it’s just what I have to do to…

    • I have a fixed view of what I can or can’t do; I resign myself to this

    • I get so tired and burnt out from work or school.

You’re tired of where you are…

You have dreams unfulfilled...

You have desires yet to manifest…

You know there is much, much better in store for you…

you’re just not sure where to start.

Dare greatly with me.

I offer a complimentary call to help you figure out where to get started.

Need more?

Check out the FAQ’s, Emotional Integration, Testimonials, or Blog.