Powerful Experiences for Connection, Conversation, and Direction

Transformational Workshops, Trainings, & Speaking Engagements for Groups & Organizations

As a longtime educator and master facilitator passionate about growth and expansion, I help individuals and organizations elevate their personal or organizational mission through powerful questions, conversations, and transformational activities.

My meaningful group experiences utilize interactive, non-traditional, and refreshing approaches that draw from authentic contexts, emotions, and challenges, enabling participants to release what no longer serves themselves or the organization, and walk away with a new level of self-awareness and consciousness.

Not only do all participants learn unique models, frameworks, and ideas from a multitude of thought leaders and experts in an immersive setting, but they also engage in thought-provoking activities that blend mindfulness practices with leadership principles, learn to lead from within, and cultivate deeper emotional intelligence to navigate interpersonal dynamics with teams and stakeholders.

Together, we hone the soft skills necessary for trust and healthy relationships with Self and Others, explore the powerful connection between the body and mind, enhance authenticity in communication, and most importantly, connect with a deeper sense of purpose, aligning one’s personal values with the organization’s mission.

The result?

Both individuals and the organization achieve internal transformation and heightened consciousness, inspiring a renewed commitment and clarity to create positive impact and change, execute their chosen goals and paths, and step into who they really are in this world: powerful, whole, resourceful and Divine Beings of Choice.

*All offerings are created bespoke to you or your organization’s desired outcomes or needs. Detailed descriptions, agendas, and outcomes of these workshops are available upon request; please don’t hesitate to reach out for a complimentary consult.

Topics* Include:

  • Expectations vs. Agreements: Creating Simple but Revolutionary Relational Changes for your Organization

  • The Power of Dyad Communication: Interdependent Communication for Trust, Problem-Solving, and Conflict Resolution

  • Designing your Life: Navigate Life’s Ambiguity to Build Meaningful, Purpose-Driven Career Paths

  • The Hero's Journey: Your Story as a Catalyst for Change

  • Emotional Integration: Dissolving Emotional Charges Permanently to Create the Life You Really Want

  • Narrative Coaching: The Power of Stories for Transformation and Change

  • Thinking vs. Feeling: Differentiating between Source and Solution to All Problems

  • Non-Violent Communication

  • Integrating Shadows & Strengths

  • The Practice of Groundedness for Long-Term, Non-Performative Success

  • Integrative Approaches to Self-Change, Group-Change, Organizational Change

  • Victim Consciousness

  • Human Design for the Workplace

  • Defining Core Values


  • 1 hour, 90-minute, or 2-hour Workshops or Webinars

  • Half and Full-Day Offsite or Onsite

  • Leadership / Spiritual Retreats
