Emotional Turmoil is Optional.

We all find ourselves emotionally triggered, in a disempowered state of being, riling ourselves up with the potency of our negative emotions. Regardless of the source of our emotional charge, regardless of how it expresses itself - we often find ourselves very much consumed by these negative patterns and cycles - patterns and cycles that not only take up all our energy, but keep us in a forever loop of stuck...

There's good news, however. Emotional turmoil is optional.

That's right. Emotional turmoil is optional.

Emotional turmoil is ultimately a choice - and when we say "choice," we don’t mean that the stressful, undeserved, and undesired circumstance was your choice. We certainly would never (consciously, at least) choose pain or suffering.

When we say "choice," what we really mean is that our identification WITH our suffering or the issue at hand, is a choice we make.

We DO have a choice, it turns out: a choice to let go of that identity, a choice to move into our wisdom state, a choice to access our higher, expanded self, and gleam from the issue what we must assume responsibility and culpability for. We do have a choice to put our efforts instead into moving forward and away from that struggle - to shift from fear to love.

Through specific psycho-emotional and spiritual processing and transformational techniques, we are able to lead you out of your state of suffering to a point of understanding why it was there, and simultaneously be empowered to move away from it in little to no time.

We begin by breaking down our emotional charge - the looping we get stuck in, our fixation on a problem, our allowance of the issue to take too much importance in our lives, therefore preventing us from being present with ourselves and others. We break down the reality in our minds - the story interwoven in our minds, causing our loss and denial.

We begin the de-identification process, moving toward the problem. And as we move towards it - leaning into our resistance and discomfort and rejection of it because it causes us pain and suffering - we begin to integrate the emotionally charged content, shedding away layers of pain. And in doing so, we stop identifying with the issue, and our entire consciousness shifts…


We are not our negative experiences; we are not our barriers; we simply are.

We reframe and integrate challenging past experiences - without the need to re-narrate that emotional space filled with such great negative charge - and find profound paradigm shifts that enable us to let go of our limiting thought patterns and identities, to step into a space of expanded awareness; from there, because we no longer identify the barrier, we can take action steps towards what we really want.

And that's immensely valuable - to be able to shift ourselves from a highly tumultuous emotional state or trigger, back to functioning right away, moving through that negative state quickly and effectively so that we can get back to our purpose, our desires, our goals.

These shifts from fear-based ways of thinking and being to Love-based are the results I find in myself and those I've had the honor of working with - to face our darkness squarely in the eye, so that we begin at last to see the light within the darkness.

This is the alchemy of personal transformation: only when we have faced the fears and limits of who we are, can we begin to draw on the limitlessness and power of what God, Source, the Universe - can do within us and for us.

The work I do pertains exactly to that - rediscovering and returning to who we really are: a power bigger than all our problems. Agents of miraculous change. Spiritual beings having a human experience.

As we release fear-based thoughts we've been taught to think by the world, we can truly see Truth revealed: that who we are at our core is Love itself. And miracles occur naturally as expressions of Love.

There is no shame in being stuck, lost, or absent from our lives because of our problems - but we can choose to get unstuck, re-find ourselves, and return to a place of presence.

If you're willing to free yourself from cycles of anxiety, fear, and limiting beliefs...reach out for simple, rapid and powerful transformation.

Remember: it’s not that the problem is our being challenged by our circumstances…our real problem is choosing not to return to our pre-challenged state of peace.

Are you willing to withdraw your beliefs in the ultimately reality of what has been done to you, so that you can free yourself from the effects of what has been done to you?

What conscious choice will you make today to come back to who you really are?

Cheryl Lee is a personal development coach who has trained in psycho-emotional and spiritual methodologies for transformation, helping clients return to who they really are to live a value-aligned, purpose-driven life. Reach out for a complimentary session today.

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